Neues Fan-Video von mir (30.04.2007)
Hab ein neues Video zu Buffy gemacht, bin irgendwie echt stolz drauf!
Es geht um die schweren Zeiten die Buffy hatte! Viel Spaß damit!
Galerie-Update (30.04.2007)
Ich habe nun einige Bilder vond der After-Party und von dem Q&A mit der TAIB Cast gepostet!
Ihr findet die Pics in meiner Galerie ! Viel Spaß!
Die erste TAIB-Kritik! (30.04.2007)
Hier eine hervorragende Kritik von einem Journalisten:
"Wow, I don't know where to begin. I won't be able to post a lot right now because I just got home from the after party and it's 3:30 AM. But I wanted to give you a quick report.
The movie is stunning in many ways. Visually it is breathtaking, with broad sweeping images interspersed with lots of gritty closeups of tragedy. The narrative is somewhat fuzzy at first, but I won't say more because I don't want to give anything away. As much as I'd read about it, I was still taken by surprise at every step of the way. It's hard to watch at times and quite violent. There's a lot of sadness and tension. But there is also an amazingly clever use of humor in the film, and that is perhaps what most surprised me. After all, that's what life is.
The film is basically divided into four parts: Happiness, Pleasure, Sorrow, and Love. Forest Whitaker, Brendan Fraser, Andy Garcia, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Kevin Bacon, the anchors of the four sections, are better than I've ever seen. The supporting actors all put their hearts into it.
As far as the whole experience of the World Premiere goes, it was amazing. I was privileged to be the only journalist chosen to photograph the red carpet arrivals, attend the screening and shoot the Q&A, and attend the after party. So I have lots of pictures to post. In addition to shots of the red carpet and Q&A, I shot most of the Q&A on video. I promise I will get some of this posted as soon as I can.
The house was oversold. People who actually had tickets were turned away because they did not get there in time. I sat with some of the cast members and crew. Everyone who was there got up onstage for the Q&A: Sarah, Brendan, Andy, Kevin, director Jieho Lee, and co-writer Bob DeRosa. Some of the other actors, including Emile Hirsch, were not able to make it but would have been very proud of their work, I think.
As far as distribution goes, I can't say anything right now but things look good. I can say that we should be able to post some information very very soon. A source told me that the Weinstein Co. and ThinkFilm have both expressed interest. They are arguably the 2 most important indie distributors in America. I can't verify that, of course, but I wouldn't doubt that it's true.
Special thanks to Jieho Lee, Bob DeRosa, and producer Christopher Pratt for being so gracious and generous all evening. Amidst the media circus and mayhem of one of the festival's premiere events, they went to great lengths to accommodate those who faced some challenges during the event, myself included. Without their selflessness you wouldn't be reading this report right now.
The audience laughed a lot at the funny parts -- much more than I expected. It's not a comedy by any means, but the humor in it is very very well done. People "got it."
There were also gasps and "oh no" many times when unexpected things occurred. And that happened a lot. I was shocked a number of times, and that doesn't usually happen.
They applauded loud and long at the end, before and after the credits, and again after the Q&A. Most people stayed for the Q&A.
I look forward to posting the pics and videos."
TAIB-Premieren Bilder (30.04.2007)
Ich habe in meiner Galerie VIELE Pics zur Taib Premiere gepostet! Ich finde es sind die schönsten Sarah-Pics die es bis jetzt gibt!
HIER gelangt ih zu den Pics! Ein kleiner Vorgeschmack:
Site Update - Avatare (29.04.2007)
Nun habe ich endlich auch ein paar Avatare gemacht die ihr HIER finden könnt! Viel Spaß!
Viele Suburban Girl News (29.04.2007)
1. Hier könnt ihr euch ein Clip zu Suburban Girl downloaden!
2. Es sind zwei Clips vom Suburban Girl Question and Answer, das nach der Filmvorführung noch stattfand, aufgetaucht: Clip1 Clip2
Neue Suburban Girl Kritik (29.04.2007)
"On to my review now. I'll keep it short and simple and very much spoiler free.
So I'd read the book and while I liked it, I'm not one of those who absolutely LOVED it. Also wasn't one of those who thought that the movie was going to be exactly like the book.
That said, I really enjoyed the movie. It sort of starts like a romantic comedy but then starts veering from that genre. I think that was pretty well done. The pace flows well and evenly. I was never bored (even though I pretty much knew what was going to happen) which is always a bonus. The film actually sorta plays like several chapters of a book rather than one long chapter which I found refreshing.
I really liked the cast. Alec Baldwin gives a fantastic performance and he actually got most of the laughs from the audience. I doubted how he would work as Archie before seeing the movie but he totally pulled it off. And as expected, there is a LOT of Sarah in this movie, which YAY. The role gives her the opportunity to play a rather wide range of emotions and she takes Brett through the various emotional stages demanded by the storyline perfectly. There are one scene in particular that I think she was brilliant in but for the sake of a spoiler free review, I will stop at that. It's really different from anything she's done before.
And of course the wardrobe is incredible and I'm especially partial to the shoes *droolsalittlebit*. The music was also pretty good, although very romantic comedy oriented. But it worked pretty well.
The film received a very good reaction from the audience. A lot of laughs at all the appropriate moments and a very warm round of applause at the end."
Wow! Der Film scheint richtig gut zu werden! Hoffe das er auch bald in Deutschland gezeigt wird!Danke an elagold vom smgboard fürs posten!
Erste Kritik zu Suburban Girl (29.04.2007)
Die ereste Kritik zu Suburban Girl ist erschienen! Es ist eine richtig schöne Kritik!
"I was at the Tribeca Film Festival and saw the premiere. I like romantic comedies, but I probably wouldn't have gone to see this one but for the fact that I'm a big Sarah Michelle Gellar fan and wanted the opportunity to see her in person. That said, I actually enjoyed the movie quite a bit. As far as movies based on "chick lit" I don't think it was quite up there with Bridget Jones or The Devil Wears Prada, but it's definitely a solid movie and one that I'd recommend to any SMG fans or fans of this genre. Sarah is VERY good in the movie and Alec Baldwin is really fantastic. It's a shame his personal problems are going to overshadow his performance (more on that later) because between this and 30 Rock he's turning in some of his best peformances of his career. James Naughton turns in a sweet performance as Sarah's dad and Maggie Grace and Chris Carmack are pretty funny in relatively small roles, as are Nate Corddry and Vanessa Branch. The one who had me laughing the most, though, was Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Sarah's brother. He's only in a few short scenes, but manages to steal every one.
MILD SPOILERS AHEAD: The movie basically follows Sarah's character Brett as she is a struggling associate editor at a publishing company in NY. Early in the movie she sees a picture of Alec Baldwin's character Archie in the newspaper and we learn that he's a bigshot in the publishing industry. Shortly thereafter she runs into him at an industry event where he proceeds to hit on her. Brett actually has a boyfriend (Chris Carmack) but he's been out of the country for months and, when we later meet him, he is very immature. Archie is the exact opposite; he's older and more mature and loves being around Brett as much as possible. It doesn't take Brett long to dump her boyfriend and take up with Archie.
I haven't read the bok of short stories the movie is based on, but the movie is very obviously divided into an "A" story and a "B" story, so I can only assume these were the two short stories chosen for the film. The "A" story involves Brett and Archie. The "B" story involves Brett and her relationship with her family, particularly her father. The two stories intertwine a bit at one point, but mostly the relationship between Brett and her father is used to draw parallells between her relationship with Archie. That said, the movie did a good job of establishing that Brett did NOT want Archie to become another father figure to her, which would have been the obvious way for things to go. Brett is very opposed to this idea and often worries when she thinks she may only be with Archie because he makes her feel "safe." Another plus is that, while Archie is obviously in a position to help her career, he only offers advice and never "makes a call" on her behalf as one would expect.
There is also some concern that Archie may be using Brett as a surrogate daughter, mostly because there is a small subplot about Archie being estranged from his own daughter. Before the movie began Marc Klein, the writer/director, made a joke that Alec had put a lot of peronsal things into the movie. Thus, when his character talks about his daughter and says something nasty about his ex-wife, there was a big laugh from the audience. Unfortunately, this subplot is supposed to be a serious one, but recent events made it impossible not to laugh at most of it. In particular, one scene where Archie calls his daughter and tells Brett he couldn't get in touch with her and had to leave her a message got a HUGE laugh from the audience.
Anyway, there is much more to the movie than that, but I won't say more for fear of spoiling some of the bigger plot twists. SPOILERS END
After the movie the cast and crew that were there took questions from the audience. Sarah said she took the role because she liked the book and the fact that it was a strong female character. Plus, she liked being able to come back to NY. Marc Klein talked a little about filming in the city and told one story about a guy on a motorcyle driving by during a pivotal scene and screaming "Alec *beep* Baldwin, I love you!" At the beginning, Marc also made some very sweet comments about Sarah and said that since it was his first time directing he learned a lot of things, the most important being that whatever you can do, Sarah Michelle Gellar can probably do it better! Someone also asked about the clothes in the movie, which are so nice they're practically impossible to ignore. Sarah said they were very lucky because it, though it was an independent film, they were able to get a lot of designers to lend them clothes and Sarah pulled in a favor or two from friends. Then, of course, someone asked the dreaded Alec Baldwin question. It might be a legitimate question if asked right, but unfortunately the guy in the audience asked "Did Alec tell you he was gonna scream at his daughter beforehand?" Sarah and Marc looked very annoyed and even the audience didn't seem thrilled with the question. Sarah told Marc he shouldn't even respond and Marc simply said "No comment."
I'm not sure when the movie will be released, but at the beginning Marc made a comment about a specific company hopefully distributing, so after the positive reception the movie received, it should hopefully be a done deal!"
Weiteres Fan-Video (29.04.2007)
Ich habe ein weiteres Fanvideo gemacht! Ich weiß das es zwar nicht perfekt ist, aber ich werde fleißig an weiteren Videos arbeiten!
Fan-Video (28.04.2007)
Ich habe zum ersten Mal versucht ein Video zu Buffy gemacht! Ich hoffe es gefällt euch!
Die ersten TAIB-Szenen! (28.04.2007)
Es wurde ein Video veröffentlicht das 2 kleine Szenen mit Sarah zeigt!
HIER könnt ihr ihn euch downloaden! Viel Spaß!
Und noch ein paar Screencaps vom Video:
Suburban Girl Premiere (28.04.2007)
Hier sind ein paar Pics der Suburban Girl Premiere!
Mehr Bilder findet ihr in meiner Galerie! Viel Spaß!
Suburban Girl Preview (28.04.2007)
Es ist ein 3 minütiger Clip von Suburban Girl aufgetaucht! Klickt HIER um ihn euch anzusehen!
Sarah bei Tribeca (27.04.2007)
Sarah war anlässlich der Tribeca-Festspiele bei einem Dinner !
Hier ein paar Pics!
SG - Ausschnitte (26.04.2007)
Es ist ein Clip aufgetaucht über den Sorgerechtsstreit zw. Alec Baldwin und Kim Basinger. Am ende des Clips könnt ihr Sarah und ein paar Ausschnitte zu Suburban Girl sehen! Vielen Dank an temponaut im fürs posten!
HIER gelangt ihr zum Clip!
SARAH SINGT und TANZT! (26.04.2007)
Klickt auf das Bild um es zu downloaden!
EDIT: Den Clip kann man sich nicht mehr im I-net gratis angucken da er für einen guten Zweck ist!
NEWS NEWS NEWS (26.04.2007)
1. Sarah wird bei der Suburban Girl und The Air I Breathe - Weltpremiere am Freitag und am Sonntag vertreten sein!
2.HIER findet ihr die aktuellsten Pics von Sarah und Freddie am L.A Airport
3. Laut Gerüchten soll Sarah im 3. Teil der Mortal Kombat - Reihe mitwirken. Ob´s stimmt? Ich glaube eher nicht!
4.Hier findet ihr die Screencaps zu dem Hintergrund Video von TAIB:
Pic1 ; Pic2 ; Pic3 ; Pic4 ; Pic5 Danke an das imdb-board fürs posten!
Störungen behoben (26.04.2007)
Endlich sind die Störungen behoben worden! Nochmals bitte ich um viel Entschuldigung! Ab jetzt könnt ihr wieder die aktuellste News zu Sarah hier finden!
Video über die Entstehung von TAIB (22.04.2007)
Hier ein grandioses Video über die Entstehung von TAIB!
Der Regisseur Jieho Lee erzählt über seinen Film und währenddessen sieht man die Darsteller wie sie gerade ihre Szenen drehen!
Ein unglaubliches Video! Viel Spaß damit!!! Zum Video
SG in Cannes 2007 (21.04.2007)
Wie es aussieht wird wohl Suburban Girl auch bei den Filmfestspielen in Cannes 2007 vorgestellt werden! Jedenfalls für Filmverleiher im Rahmen des Cannes-Market!
HIER gelangt ihr zur PDF-Datei mit Infos uns Screening-Daten von Suburban Girl!
SMG Kalender (21.04.2007)
Ich habe einen SMG - Kalender gemacht! Jeden Monat wird ein weiteres Kalenderblatt veröffentlicht!
Zum Kalender gelangt ihr HIER
Galerie (21.04.2007)
Ich habe nun eine Galerie erstellt! Klickt einfach auf das Bild um zu meiner Galerie zu kommen.
Neues Pic of the Week (21.04.2007)
Weitere Pic of the Weeks findet ihr HIER
Weiterer Award für smg for president (20.04.2007)
Meine Seite hat von einen Award bekommen! Vielen Dank! Die Kritik nehm ich mir zu Herzen und versuch daran zu arbeiten!
Layout 35/50
Inhalt 30/50 (es sind nicht sehr viele Texte vorhanden)
News/Updates 30/30
Bilder 10/10
Funktioniert alles? 20/20
Fanstuff 5/10 (es gibt zwar Fanarts, aber keine Avatare, Icons und Signaturen)
Domainname 5/10 (der Domainname ist etwas lang und weicht ein bisschen vom thema ab)
Ladezeit 10/10
insgesamt 140/190 Punkten
AWARD für smg-for-president (20.04.2007)
Meine Seite hat einen Award von gilmore-girls-fanpage gewonnen! Vielen Dank!!!
Design: 15 /20
Inhalt: 10 / 10
Übersichtlichkeit: 17 / 20
Rechtschreibung: 10 /10
Aktualität: 20 / 20
Ladezeit: 9 / 10
Weitergehend werbefrei: 9 / 10
Auswertung der Umfrage (20.04.2007)
Ihr konntet in den letzten Wochen abstimmen auf welchen kommenden Sarah-Film ihr euch am meisten freut. Hier das Ergebnis:
1. The Air I Breathe - 34,75%
2. Southland Tales - 26,25%
3. Addicted - 15,87%
4. Suburban Girl 14%
5. Alice - 9,13%
Es wurden 148 Stimmen abgegeben! Vielen Dank für eure Stimmen!
Suburban Girl - ausführlicher Inhalt (20.04.2007)
Auf der offiziellen Tribeca Seite ist eine Filmbeschreibung von SG aufgetaucht:
"Determined to rise through Manhattan's cutthroat literary ranks on her own, an ambitious young book editor (Sarah Michelle Gellar) hesitates to become involved with a high-powered publishing playboy (Alec Baldwin) many years her senior. Personal and professional lines slowly blur in this witty adaptation of Melissa Bank's bestselling book, The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing.
Brett Eisenberg (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is struggling to make a name for herself in the cutthroat world of New York publishing. While working as an associate book editor, she meets the much older Archie Knox (Alec Baldwin), a powerful publisher at a different firm—also known for his trysts with younger women. Though she hesitates to get involved with this known playboy, his charm soon wins her over. Brett decides to stop playing it safe—with her career and with her heart. Before long she is being squired to the best New York literati parties by the handsome Archie, while he teaches her tricks of the publishing trade, introducing her to Pulitzer prize-winning authors and the doyennes who surround them. Brett falls in love, but as she and Archie struggle through the ups and downs of their relationship, she begins to wonder if her sudden arrival into the world of her dreams is what she really wants. Marc Klein, screenwriter of Serendipity and A Good Year, makes his directorial debut with this sharp script he also wrote. Based on the chick-lit phenomenon The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Banks, this romantic comedy reveals that, while it can be nice to have someone more experienced guiding you through the pitfalls of life, success means a lot more when you find it your own way."
Außerdem sind auf der Seite nähere Infos zu den Regisseuren von SG (Marc Klein) und TAIB (Jieho Lee) zu finden!
Luca Luca wirbt für Suburban Girl (19.04.2007)
Die Modemarke wird anlässlich der Tribeca Film Festspiele in NYC, in ihren Läden mit Postern und Fotos von Suburban Girl werben!
Genau wie schon Cartier bei TAIB.
The Air I Breathe Info (19.04.2007)
Ich habe gerade erfahren, das die Stars von TAIB keine Gage oder sehr wenig Gage für den Film verlangt haben!
TAIB is ja ein Low-Budget-Film und das Sarah z.B. keine hohe Gage für den Film wollte zeigt das ihr das Projekt sehr am Herzen liegt!
Sie hatte auch für Southland Tales nur eine Gage von 600.000 Euro bekommen aus dem selben Grund, der Film konnte sich keine hohen Gagen leisten! Doch das Drehbuch und die Rolle konnten Sarah davon überzeugen das sie in den Filmen mitspielt!
Neues Fanart (19.04.2007)
Ich habe ein neues Fanart zu The Grudge gemacht!
Störungen (18.04.2007)
Sorry wie ihr sehen könnt wird mein Layout und einige Bilder nicht angezeigt, außerdem gibt es lange Ladezeiten!
Auf Homepage-Baukasten sind nähmlich momentan Wartungsarbeiten! Wenn die Arbeiten fertig sind, wird man die Seite wieder im gewohnten Layout vorfinden!
Nochmals Entschuldigung!
TAIB News (18.04.2007)
Ich habe wieder einige News über TAIB für euch:
1. Ich habe mit dem Autor von TAIB, Bob DeRosa, geschrieben und er meinte das es bis jetzt noch unklar ist, welche Schauspieler bei der Weltpremiere erscheinen werden. Es soll eine Überraschung werden! Außerdem ist noch ungewiss wann ein Trailer zu TAIB erscheinen wird.
2. Außerdem schreibe ich mit einem Journalisten über MySpace, der bei der Weltpremiere, Pressekonferenz usw. dabei sein wird! Er wird mir dann die aktuellsten News sofort zuschicken!
3. Auf der Tribeca Festival - Homepage ist eine wundervolle Film beschreibung aufgetaucht:
" Forever linked together by ruthless crime boss Fingers (Andy Garcia) and a series of unpredictable twists of fate, the characters of The Air I Breathe weave together in an existential study in luck, both good and bad. Director Jieho Lee divides this vast tale into four distinct threads: a timid businessman (Forest Whitaker) bets his life on a horse race after he discovers the fix is in; a fragile pop star (Sarah Michelle Gellar) finds her management contract unexpectedly in jeopardy; a gangster (Brendan Fraser) who sees the future must decide whether to follow his visions; and a doctor (Kevin Bacon) tries to save the love of his life from a deadly injury. As the world keeps spinning and these individual tales give way to hidden connections and underlying similarities, The Air I Breathe uses this unlikely mix of drama and characters to dramatize an ancient Chinese proverb that evokes life's four emotional cornerstones: happiness, pleasure, sorrow and love. It's when these four overlapping stories come to a head, however, and these emotions unexpectedly surface, collide and explode, that the movie suggests our destiny -- whether it is steeped in sweet sorrow or tragic happiness -- may ultimately be something we bring on ourselves. Lee fluidly maneuvers between the storylines, letting the pieces fall together organically until the final climax. The phenomenal ensemble cast, including Julie Delpy and Emile Hirsch, moves through all the twists and turns with ease as the cleverly constructed vignettes unite in an emotionally resonant whole."
Also Sarah spielt einen zerbrechlichen Popstar, deren Vertrag unerwartet in Gefahr ist. Alle Charaktere haben ihre guten und bösen Seiten!
Das offizielle TAIB Plakat! (17.04.2007)
Das Plakat ist wunderschön! Wie ih sicherlich sehen könnt habe ich die Seite jetzt an das Plakat angepasst!
Außerdem habe ich einen Banner zum Plakat angefertigt:
Neues Now - Logo! (16.04.2007)
Sarahs Rolle in Southland Tales, Ex-Porno-Sternchen Krysta Now,hat ein neues Logo bekommen
Also ich finde die Variante des Logos besser! ^^
Neues Fanart (16.04.2007)
Ich habe mal wieder ein neues Fanart über Sarah gemacht!
SMG doch nicht in Batman? (15.04.2007)
Laut wird SMG nicht in dem neuen Batman-Film mitspielen, es soll sogar noch unklar sein ob die Rolle der Harley Quinn überhaupt im Film vorkommen wird! Ich hoffe nicht!!!
Hier der Artikel:
No Batman for Gellar
Sorry, Buffy fans... my data-collecting microbots have finally returned from Gotham City, and they're telling me that there's "no truth" to the recent rumor that former vampire slayer Sarah Michelle Gellar will have a role in the Batman sequel THE DARK KNIGHT.
When the rumor arose, it quickly led to speculation that Gellar would play the Joker's lover and accomplice Harley Quinn, but it's not even known if the character is in the script, and my microbots could not confirm either way (they're not very good -- hey, I made them myself out of some old Zoids toys and a Radio Shack kit). However, they did record some indecipherable mutterings that another female cast member would be announced soon.
But who could that be? Aside from the returning Rachel (played by Katie proxy Maggie Gyllenhaal), the only other female role we know of is a Latino cop, possibly the big-screen version of Detective Renee Montoya from the early 90s animated Batman series. Yet it's still conceivable that the Joker will receive therapy at Arkham Asylum from one nimble nubile shrink named Dr. Harleen Quinzell. Returning director Christopher Nolan starts production soon, so we'll see a complete cast listing in short order.
Updates auf der Seite (15.04.2007)
Ich habe neue Videos, ein neues Intro, ein neues Pic of the Week und eine neue Kategorie "Games", geaddet! Viel Spaß!!!
Heute hat die schönste Frau und beste Schauspielerin der Welt Geburtstag: SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR !!!!
Sie wird heute 30 Jahre alt!
SMG FOR PRESIDENT und alle Fans wünschen dir alles GUTE!!!
Richard Kelly spricht über ST (13.04.2007)
Der Regisseur von Sothland Tales, Richard Kelly, sprach über seinen Film bei der "Director Series 06".
Die Clips könnt ihr hier downloaden: CLIP1 ; CLIP2
Neue Kategorie (12.04.2007)
HIER findet ihr Affliates zu anderen Fan-Seiten! Viel Spaß!
Neue Scans auf der Seite! (12.04.2007)
HIER findet ihr neue Scans die ich der Seite hinzugefügt habe!
Neuer Artikel zu TAIB and SG (12.04.2007)
Auf der Homepage des Filmmaker Magazines findet ihr einen Artikel zum Tribeca Film Festival in dem u.a. The Air I Breathe und Suburban Girl vorgestellt werden! Außerdem wird gesagt das TAIB mit großer Spannung erwartet wird!
Den kompletten Artikel findet ihr HIER
Neues Question and Answer mit SMG? (11.04.2007)
Laut wurde mit Sarah ein neues Question and Answer gemacht! Ob dieses Q&A echt ist, kann man leider nicht sagen, nur vermuten.
Hier ist das Original, entscheidet selbst!
Hey Sarah, let me once again thank you for sitting down to answer these few questions. Here is question number one, and please don't take any offense to what I ask. What are your feelings on your, let's just say, Not Blockbuster films, Happily N'ever After and The Return.
Sarah Michelle:
No offense taken, because these films were so much fun to do, and anyone who did like them, took what they should have taken out of them. The Return, was one of my favorite projects, because I was working with so much fresh blood. I fell in love with the script, I was basically drawn to the script because of how unique it was. I had a lot of fun doing it, and I'm glad people liked it and saw it, and for people that didn't like it, or didn't see it, then I guess that just doen't appeal to you.
Would you consider yourself a veteran of acting?
Sarah Michelle:
If by veteran you mean, been working for a lot of my life, then yes. But if you mean, veteran, as in, almost like an expert, then no. There are so many people that are way more enlightened than me, when it comes to acting.
Can you tell me about Addicted?
Sarah Michelle:
Ah, yes, Addicted...I really can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry...all I can tell you is, it has a TON of surprises, and its unlike anything I've ever done.
Which of your upcoming films do you think an average audience will like the most.
Sarah Michelle:
The average audience is becoming so used to cliches, that I don't know what an "average audience" will appreciate anymore.
Well, I hope that I can eventually give you this Q and A, and I wish all the best to you. Your number one fan, Brandon
Sarah Michelle:
It was my pleasure, your number one fan, Sarah Michelle : )
Neues Question and Answer mit SMG? (11.04.2007)
Laut wurde mit Sarah ein neues Question and Answer gemacht! Ob dieses Q&A echt ist, kann man leider nicht sagen, nur vermuten.
Hier ist das Original, entscheidet selbst!
Hey Sarah, let me once again thank you for sitting down to answer these few questions. Here is question number one, and please don't take any offense to what I ask. What are your feelings on your, let's just say, Not Blockbuster films, Happily N'ever After and The Return.
Sarah Michelle:
No offense taken, because these films were so much fun to do, and anyone who did like them, took what they should have taken out of them. The Return, was one of my favorite projects, because I was working with so much fresh blood. I fell in love with the script, I was basically drawn to the script because of how unique it was. I had a lot of fun doing it, and I'm glad people liked it and saw it, and for people that didn't like it, or didn't see it, then I guess that just doen't appeal to you.
Would you consider yourself a veteran of acting?
Sarah Michelle:
If by veteran you mean, been working for a lot of my life, then yes. But if you mean, veteran, as in, almost like an expert, then no. There are so many people that are way more enlightened than me, when it comes to acting.
Can you tell me about Addicted?
Sarah Michelle:
Ah, yes, Addicted...I really can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry...all I can tell you is, it has a TON of surprises, and its unlike anything I've ever done.
Which of your upcoming films do you think an average audience will like the most.
Sarah Michelle:
The average audience is becoming so used to cliches, that I don't know what an "average audience" will appreciate anymore.
Well, I hope that I can eventually give you this Q and A, and I wish all the best to you. Your number one fan, Brandon
Sarah Michelle:
It was my pleasure, your number one fan, Sarah Michelle : )
TAIB und Suburban Girl ausverkauft (11.04.2007)
Alle Karten Für die Vorstellungen von Sarahs Filmen The Air I Breathe und Suburban Girl, die bei den Tribeca Film-Festpielen in New York City Weltpremiere feiern, sind restlos ausverkauft!
Das sind großartige Neuigkeiten, das bedeutet das die Filme sich wohl als Publikumsmagnet beweisen!
Southland Tales Presse-Heft (10.04.2007) Nun auch auf Englisch
Wenn ihr euch das Presse-Heft mal anschauen wollt klickt HIER
P.S. Es ist in französisch aber trotzdem tolle Pics bei!
HIER könnt ihr die englische Übersetzung des Presse-Heftes lesen! Viel Spaß!
Neuer Scan über Southland Tales (09.04.2007)
Eine vergrößerte Ansicht findet ihr HIER
Neue Banner und Arts (09.04.2007)
Ich habe neuer Banner und Fanarts gemacht!
Ihr findet sie HIER Außerdem habe ich ein neues Pic of the Week HIER
Suburban Girl Soundtrack(09.04.2007)
"Suburban Girl" gets Pereira score |
Composer Heitor Pereira is doing the music for "Suburban Girl".
By Mikael Carlsson
Heitor Pereira, the guitarist who has been featured on many of Hans Zimmer’s soundtracks (including ”Mission: Impossible II”, ”Gladiator” and ”Pearl Harbor”), is doing the original score for ”Suburban Girl”, a romantic comedy also known as ”Girl’s Guide to Hunting and Fishing”. The film is based on Melissa Bank’s novel with the same name and stars Sarah Michelle Gellar and Alec Baldwin. Scheduled to be released on May 24, the film is directd by Marc Klein, who previously wrote the screenplay for Ridley Scott’s ”A Good Year”. Heitor Pereira, represented by Gorfaine/Schwartz, is getting an increasing amount of solo composition credits on his resumé: he has also recently written the music for the upcoming films ”Illegal Tender” and ”Blind Dating”. |
Sarah und ihre Autos (09.04.2007)
Okay diese Nachricht ist zwar nicht soo spannend aber ich finde sie interessant:
Sarah besitzt /besass folgende Autos:
Hybrid Toyota, Red Range Rover, Mercedes, Lexus, Highlander...
Sarah scheint einen ziemlichen Auto-Verschleiß zu haben, was das wohl zu beduten hat...? ^^
Interview von Vanessa Branch zu Suburban Girl (09.04.2007)
Q. What are some of the recent projects that you've been working on?
A. I just finished a film called Girls' Guide To Hunting & Fishing with Alec Baldwin and Sarah Michelle Gellar. I play a character named Faye Faulkner, I play the boss of Sarah Michelle Gellar. It's a really fantastic role, I'm looking forward to that coming out. I'm also currently recurring on "Gilmore Girls" and I did an episode of a show called "Andy Barker, P.I." which will be out in January. I have a film coming out next year called Shadows of Atticus with Peter Coyote, Jason London and Peter Boyle.
Q. Can you tell us a bit more about your character in Girls' Guide To Hunting & Fishing and about the premise?
A. It was a novel that they made into a screenplay. It's basically a romantic comedy between Alec Baldwin and Sarah Michelle Gellar, it's a May/December romance. My character is really the antagonist, I am the head of this huge publishing company. I don't want to say it's a "chick-flick," but it is more along that kind of genre. It's kind of a coming of age story, Sarah Michelle Gellar kind of coming into her womanhood.
Q. How was it getting to star alongside of Sarah Michelle Gellar?
A. Fantastic! We really got to have some great woman on woman scenes. Relating with each other and kind of playing opposite of each other. I don't want to give too much away but it was a fantastic experience.
Für alle die es nicht so mit Englisch haben, eine kurze Zusammenfassung: Vanessa spielt Sarahs Chefin und Sarah und Sie haben einige tolle "von frau zu frau"-Szenen.
Neuer Blog von Richard Kelly zu Southland Tales!
Aktuelle Stimmung: relieved
Hello everyone,
So we have finally gotten the greenlight from Sony for the additional
round of visual effects for Southland Tales. This is VERY GOOD NEWS for the film!
We will now be able to finish the film properly. Phew!
The film will be completely finished for the first public screening
sometime mid-summer.
Thank you everyone for your patience and I will let you know when the
release date is decided upon and teaser trailer will be released (work
is about to begin on the marketing materials).
You can also access two clips from the Film Independent event from last
month from - check out the new uploaded photos of second unit director Dee Robertson... when you watch the first clip... you will
They. Are. Watching. You.
Also kann man rechnen das im Sommer der Film in die Usa rauskommt!!!
Southland Tales wurde NICHT in CANNES ausgebuht!
Ich habe ein Video von der ST-Premiere entdeckt das Beweis das ST NICHT ausgebuht wurde! Hier Der Video-Clip
Und eine neue Szene vom Storyboard! Viel Spaß! :
Modehaus CARTIER unterstützt The Air I Breathe
Verschiedene Läden werden anlässlich zum tribecca film festival in NYC, einzelne filme unterstützen und plakate usw in ihren schaufenstern ausstellen!
Der EDEL-SHOP CARTIER hat sich für TAIB entschieden!!! Cartier ist sehr teuer aber auch sehr angesagt! Deswegen freut es mich so, das sich Cartier für taib entschieden hat!!!
SMG Rollen-Name Addicted
Sarah Michelle Gellars Rolle in dem Film Addicted wird Melone Zimmermann sein! Ziemlich aussergewöhnlicher Name oder nicht?! ^^
Ich hab ma ein Fanart gemacht zu meinem Traum ^^
Hoffentlich gefällts euch! Die vergrößerte Darstellung findet ihr HIER !
Eiskalte Engel OST auf Platz 6
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!!
Heute kam um 17.00 Uhr auf VIVA ein Spezial über die besten Movie-Soundtracks auf Platz 6 befand sich EE!
Zusehen war der Videoclip "Every You and Every Me" von Placebo mit Sarah u.a. im Video.
Die Zuschauer konnten aus verschiedenen Soundtracks voten.
Hier ist das Video: